


Honouring Labour Day

Posted in: Holidays | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on August 30, 2018

Although observed on May 1st in most countries around the world, the first Monday in September is recognized as Labour Day in Canada and the USA. It is a statutory holiday commonly associated with the end of summer, marking the last long weekend of the season and signalling the day before school starts. Over the years, however, the origins of the Labour Day, what it means, and why it’s celebrated have all but been forgotten. Labour Day is an annual holiday celebrating the achievements of workers and can be traced to the labour unrest of the late 1800’s, the dawn of the industrial revolution, and the birth of unions. Perhaps one of the most significant developments from this period was the 8 hour day movement, which advocated eight hours of work, eight hours of recreation, and eight hours of rest per day — a concept that should be revisited more […]

ISO 45001: A Game Changer in Occupational Health & Safety

Posted in: Accident Prevention | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on July 17, 2018

The numbers are staggering, according to the International Labour Organization’s 2017 calculations. Around the world, every minute of every day 5 people lose their lives while working and more than 700 people are injured or become ill just from ‘doing their job’. That is almost 3 million workplace fatalities and an additional 374 million workplace accidents per year. The burden of occupational injuries and illnesses is undeniable, not just on employers but on the global economy. It is these sobering statistics that prompted the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to create and publish a new set of standards for occupational health and safety: ISO 45001. The new standard was developed by a committee of occupational health and safety experts from more than 70 countries and provides an easy to use framework that improves employee safety, reduces workplace risks and creates better, safer working conditions all over the world. ISO 45001 […]

3 Things to Check Before You Leave Home This Summer

Posted in: Workplace Wellness | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on June 6, 2018

The days are getting longer, temperatures are getting warmer, and the world is in bloom— sure signs that spring is here and summer is just around the corner. These are the months when more time is spent outside, whether it’s for work or pleasure, and when we are more exposed to the environment, whether we realize it or not. As wonderful as it is to spend time out in the fresh air and sunshine again, there are seasonal hazards that need to be considered especially when working outside. Unlike recreational and leisure time outdoors, where you can control your activities, occupational positions are often less flexible, making it more challenging to limit exposure to the elements. Some common environmental hazards of summer are: Sun and heat that can result in sunburns, heat stroke, dehydration, etc. Poor air quality from airborne pollens, allergens and pollutants that can affect breathing. Extreme weather […]

Changes to Health Benefits for Injured Workers

Posted in: WCB Law | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on May 15, 2018

UPDATE Section 88.1 of the Workers’ Compensation Act, concerning the obligation to return injured workers to work, came into force on September 1, 2018, and was subsequently repealed as of April 1, 2021. Although s.88.1 has been repealed, it still applies to claims with dates of accident from September 1, 2018, to March 31, 2021, inclusive. Employer and worker rights, obligations, and penalties for non-compliance provided for in the section continue for these claims as though the section were still in force. Further to our recent blog article on the proposed WCB Alberta Legislative changes, the associated WCB policy updates have been made and will come into effect on September 1, 2018. As much as this is intended to improve the workers’ compensation system, some of these changes will have a significant financial and operational impact on employers.    It is, therefore, important for Alberta employers to understand what has […]

BCL – Our 30th Year in Business

Posted in: News & Announcements | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on May 1, 2018

It all began some 30 years ago… when two former WCB employees got to chatting with an HR specialist, a lawyer and a paralegal and came up with an interesting business concept that could potentially save Alberta organizations money: What if they could provide unprecedented representation and consultation to Alberta employers on all matters pertaining to workers’ compensation? An article about BCL from Heavy Construction News, published 30 years ago, in 1989 As much as the WCB was (and is) focused on compensating and assisting injured workers, the financial foundation for the workers’ compensation system was funding provided through WCB premiums from Alberta employers. There were plenty of resources to support workers with issues related to entitlement, benefits and appeals — including worker advocates and the Office of the Appeals Advisor — but the same was not true for employers. Businesses were largely left on their own to figure out […]
